Monday, September 22, 2008


As I will be away for a week, starting Sept. 23-29, I hold you responsible to complete your blog questions. The remaining two weeks will be alloted for discussions and quizzes and/or other requirements fit for the topics.

Maximize your laboratory time well. Refrain from staying in the laboratory simply to play games, watch YouTube video clips, socialize with Friendster.

Attendance is required by your appointed classmate. Do affix your signature on your attendance sheet.

See you all!

Maam Lim

Finals' Question #5

As a topic before KBS, DSS and VO, identify and describe one company that adopts an MIS. Include in your discussion, how MIS help and support the company, its managers and other employees, in their problem solving and decision-making.

Do this in two paragraphs at least. COPYING OF TEXTS IS DEFINITELY NOT ACCEPTABLE.
Cite your reference.

Due: September 30, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008



Quiz shall follow.

Finals' Question #4


Question # 3:
1. Describe or define KBS.
2. Distinguish KBS from MIS.
3. Illustrate (give examples) how KBS can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.

Cite your reference.

Finals' Question #3


Question # 3:
1. Describe or define VO.
2. Distinguish VO from MIS.
3. Illustrate (give examples) how VO can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.

Cite your reference.

Finals' Question #2

To cover the lectures to miss during my absence, please answer questions #3-5. REFRAIN FROM COPYING AND PASTING TEXTS FROM THE NET. THIS WILL ONLY INCUR VERY VERY VERY LOW SCORES.


Question # 3:
1. Describe or define DSS.
2. Distinguish DSS from MIS.
3. Illustrate (give examples) how DSS can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.

Cite your reference.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Finals' Question # 1

Research one company from the Internet and describe their MIS strategic plan in 1-2 paragraphs. Discuss too the impact of this strategic plan on the company's management, competitors, customers and the company as a whole.

Evaluate how can this strategic plan be applied to any local company in the Philippines. Discuss too the possible effect on the company.

Include your reference.

Due for checking: Sept. 12, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008


Last Quiz on Accounting Info System for midterm will be given Wednesday. All blog answers for question 3 are to be checked next Wed.

Please pass the message to your classmates. Thanks. Happy weekend!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Midterm Question #3

For those who are working, interview your IT in-charge and ask him/her to describe the computer database systems used in the company. Write your answer in 1-2 paragraphs. Further, ask also the benefits and/or disadvantages derived from these database systems.

For those who are not working, research one company in the net who is using computerized database systems. Describe the use and/or nature of these systems and describe too the benefits/disadvantages from these systems. Include your reference.

Due: August 21, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Assignment and ANnouncement

Finish your blog questions # 1 and 2 for midterm as these are due Tuesday next week.

Quiz on internet will be given on Tuesday.

On 1/2 crosswise paper, research too on the following:
1. What is a database?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Database Management Systems?
3. Cite examples of Database Management Systems.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Midterm Question #2

Research 1 company and describe how they protect their company from internet risks.

Also, research for possible risks or dangers and/or impacts of internet - related crimes to a company.

Due: August 4, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Make use of the time today to research for the blog question # 1 this midterm. Quiz will be given on Friday after the last lecture on E-commerce. Ask someone to check your attendance.

See you all Friday.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Midterm Question #1

Research 1 company that makes use of E-commerce. Describe the nature of this company in 1-2 paragraphs.

Identify then, how does this company use e-commerce to achieve strategic advantage. Describe the benefits derived from this strategy.

Due: Friday, July 25, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


No class on Friday, July11, 2008 only in MGT 7. Use the time instead to finish answering all your blog questions.

Long quiz as a review for your Prelims exam will be given on Tuesday, July 15, 2008.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Blog Question # 6

Research one multinational corporation like Procter and Gamble, Unilever, IBM, Microsoft, Honda and etc. Identify and describe how their subsidiaries are managed and how technology has assisted them in their corporate and/or local operations. Further, identify one Philippine company that has gone worldwide (eg. Jollibee and BENCH) and describe their strategies. Evaluate the strategies of foreign companies with that of Philippine corporations.

Please indicate your reference.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Finish all your 5 questions today as next week will be the cut off date for posting your answers.
Quiz on Monday. . .

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fifth QUestion Posted

As a future manager, What is your computer ethics program? Justify each activity.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fourth Question Posted

As we make use of Information Systems in a company's operation, we get to notice the good effects of this computer-based information, and so, we also wonder, if certain manual operations can also be computerized for a much convenient procedure both for employees and the client.

Thus, if you are currently working, can you cite one manual working procedure that you wish to propose a computerized information system. Further, describe how this system should function and how can this help the employees and the customers.

If you are just a student of RMMC and not currently working, cite a manual procedure here in our school which you prefer to computerize. Describe how this system should function and how can this help the employees and the students of RMMC.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Third Blog Post Question Posted

Hello MIS students.

Here is the question for your third post:

WIth MIS trends, justify and contradict the statements. Cite examples whenever needed.

Dont forget to write your name after your message.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Special Reminder

When you write your message or post, do include at the bottom part your fullname and class schedule for me to easily record your grade.

Please observe until end of this semester.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Welcome MIS Students

Welcome dear students to blogging!!! As discussed in the classrooms, I expect that you should uphold respect and honesty in all the posts and comments you have for me and/or your classmates.

This blog intends to develop your critical-thinking skills and your WWW skill of blogging. As you do this, you will maximize the use of blo, other blogg tools available in the internet and visit useful links about MIS and help the class be updated of its latest trends.

So, keep your blog updatated as I will check them every week. Again, WELCOME!