Monday, June 23, 2008

Fourth Question Posted

As we make use of Information Systems in a company's operation, we get to notice the good effects of this computer-based information, and so, we also wonder, if certain manual operations can also be computerized for a much convenient procedure both for employees and the client.

Thus, if you are currently working, can you cite one manual working procedure that you wish to propose a computerized information system. Further, describe how this system should function and how can this help the employees and the customers.

If you are just a student of RMMC and not currently working, cite a manual procedure here in our school which you prefer to computerize. Describe how this system should function and how can this help the employees and the students of RMMC.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Third Blog Post Question Posted

Hello MIS students.

Here is the question for your third post:

WIth MIS trends, justify and contradict the statements. Cite examples whenever needed.

Dont forget to write your name after your message.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Special Reminder

When you write your message or post, do include at the bottom part your fullname and class schedule for me to easily record your grade.

Please observe until end of this semester.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Welcome MIS Students

Welcome dear students to blogging!!! As discussed in the classrooms, I expect that you should uphold respect and honesty in all the posts and comments you have for me and/or your classmates.

This blog intends to develop your critical-thinking skills and your WWW skill of blogging. As you do this, you will maximize the use of blo, other blogg tools available in the internet and visit useful links about MIS and help the class be updated of its latest trends.

So, keep your blog updatated as I will check them every week. Again, WELCOME!